We're Here To Help You Succeed

We are a Bay Area web design and development company focused on helping small and mid-sized businesses.

Jeff Worley - President / CEO

The development and promotion team here at Riveting Media have been working in the Internet industry for over two decades. We’ve developed and promoted websites for everything from shopping centers and travel agencies to estate planning portals and motorcycle shops.

We’ve built and promoted numerous websites in the dental industry and have established and maintained top search engine positioning for the businesses we promote.

Bay Area Web Developer

Our Approach

Get To Know You: We start by building an understanding of you and your goals then work diligently to help you accomplish them. We’ll strive to make sure your web presence is an accurate reflection of you and your business.

Positive Reputation: Our primary objective with ourselves and our clients is to build and maintain a positive reputation. This reputation is reflected in the websites we build and how we promote them via search engines, social media, blogs, articles, YouTube, etc.

Staying Current: Fundamental to our success has been to “change with the times” and implement new technologies as they emerge. Websites have evolved over the years, as have the “rules” for search engine positioning and reputation building. We’re constantly implementing these new technologies to keep our clients on top of current specifications and requirements.

A Brief History

In the mid to late 90’s we were the original web designers for the National Easter Seal Society, before there were HTML editors and search engines. We hosted from our co-located servers, designed and maintained their WAN and LAN in Chicago and Washington DC, and webcast their conferences throughout the US and Puerto Rico. This experience gave us a fundamental knowledge of both the front and back ends of the Internet picture.

In 2001 we designed and maintained the network security system for Neil Young’s Bridge School in Hillsborough, CA and worked closely with their video crew and speech pathologists at the Bridge Research lab in Burlingame, CA.

From 2002 to present our focus has been on developing and promoting websites and web applications for small to medium size businesses. We’ve found that working directly with business owners is where we are most effective and have the most fun.